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Pure Appl. Chem., 2011, Vol. 83, No. 5, pp. 1093-1104

Published online 2011-04-04

Melt corrosion of refractories in the nonferrous industry and the electric arc furnace: A thermochemical approach

Viktoria Reiter1* and Harald Harmuth2*

1 RHI AG, TCL Leoben, Magnesitstraße 2, 8700 Leoben, Austria
2 University of Leoben, Peter-Tunner-Straße 5, 8700 Leoben, Austria

Abstract: A thermochemical approach was implemented to study the dissolution mechanisms of a wide range of refractory oxides and silicates in slags of the nonferrous metals industry and electric arc furnaces. First of all, the slags have been characterized regarding their working range, phase assemblage, and melting behavior. Subsequently, the interactions of different combinations of refractory and slag have been examined, and emphasis has been placed on the determination of possible reaction products formed during dissolution and the solubilities of the refractory oxides and silicates in various slags. Direct dissolution, decisive in the case of high corrosion rates, as well as indirect dissolution have been described. Varying operation conditions (e.g., temperature, atmosphere) have been incorporated into the investigations. In addition to the thermochemical calculations, the solubility of magnesia in fayalite slags has been determined experimentally with the quenching method and the calculated results have been compared to published corrosion studies of other authors. These studies revealed that thermochemical calculations are a suitable tool to examine melt corrosion. The thermochemical approach provides information that can be incorporated into product development and in the operation mode, giving a proper choice of process conditions.