The French Group for the Study and Application of Polymers has some educational content. The Education Commission is focused on the promotion of all aspects of teaching the "Science of Polymers".

The education part of the web site can be found here: (see Enseignement)

One important part of its activity has been the creation of a Glossary of Terms based on IUPAC terminology.

As stated in the web site-

Une part non négligeable de son activité est consacrée à la traduction critique de la terminologie et de la nomenclature "polymères" issues de l'IUPAC. C'est ainsi que vous trouverez sur ce site les
dernières règles de nomenclature ainsi qu'un glossaire des termes de base en Science des Polymères, et des listes d'abréviations recommandées (mise à jour 2006).

There is also a new section with powerpoint slides of key
elements of polymer science. It is written in French, but the information is extremely useful.